I am trying to setup webserver with PHP 7 RC3 + Nginx on Ubuntu 14.04 (for test purposes).

I installed Ubuntu in Vagrant using ubuntu/trusty64 and PHP 7 RC 3 from Ondřej Surý (https://launchpad.net/~ondrej/+archive/ubuntu/php-7.0).

I can not find the way to install MySQL PDO (PHP sees PDO class but not anything related to MySQL, like PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_DIRECT_QUERY etc.)

Looks like there is no lib php7.0-mysql (by analogy with standard php5-mysqlnd and php7.0-fpm etc. from Ondřej)

Section PDO in phpinfo():

PDO support      enabled
PDO drivers      no value

How can I get it?

For thoses running Linux with apache2 you need to install php-mysql

apt-get install php-mysql

or if you are running ubuntu 16.04 or higher just running the following command will be enought, no need to edit your php.ini file

apt-get install php7.2-mysql

If you are running ubuntu 15.10 or below:

Edit your php.ini file, it’s located at /etc/php/[version]/apache2/php.ini and search for pdo_mysql you might found something like this


Change it to this


Save the file and restart apache

service apache2 restart

Check that it’s available in your phpinfo()